Place An Order

Place An Order

Placing an order with Evergreen Machine is easy.


You can order by phone, by fax, or online.


Just choose the method below that matches the way you would like to place your order, follow the instructions and then let us do the rest.


Order by phone

You are invited to call us to place an order or just to ask questions, we’re here to help.


Phone: (503) 365-0711 or (503) 779-1948

Order by fax

If you prefer to fax your order to us, complete this printable order form and fax it to our knowledgable sales staff at 503-399-8831.

Online Order Form

Click the link below to download our "Place An Order" form (MS Excel file) to order any rodsbent bolts, or custom washers. Complete the form, save the file, and use the form below to upload the file. Complete the contact information, and hit "submit." Once submitted, we will contact you within one business day.

Download Order Form

Rather use your own request file? Simply upload your own file instead.

Need something not listed on the form? Please contact us via phone at (503) 365-0711, email ([email protected]), or this contact form.

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Order Form


